Sunday, July 31, 2016

Busy #amwriting Summer - #Book Signings, #BFest, #NewRelease Promo, + A Shanty

Me, Katie O'Sullivan, and K.R. Conway in our Shanty!
I don’t think I can remember a time in the recent past when my life wasn’t fairly busy, but this spring and summer have been an absolute whirlwind of activities, many revolving around my new release – HAUNTED SOULS.  Any writers reading this can understand how difficult it can be to launch a new novel in the current publishing market…so to gain visibility for my new title, I tried to explore every promotional opportunity I could think of—some very much “outside the box”—and take part in every event I could fit into my schedule.  So this week’s post serves as a recap, while also hopefully serving as inspiration for others in terms of creative marketing ideas.

After brainstorming with some other local authors, three of us decided to apply to rent one of the Artist Shanties along Hyannis Harbor for a weekend in the spring.  These adorable little shanties are made available for artists, writers, photographers, and crafters to use as a little storefront for a few days.  The rent was incredibly low for such great exposure—the difficult part is making sure your shanty is open and attended each day from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.  With three of us for just three days, this wasn’t too difficult…but when the rentals move to full weeks in the height of summer, I imagine a renter on their own might experience a bit of exhaustion by the end of their time!  Then again, everyone is so excited to share what they’ve created, chatting with visitors, shoppers, and other crafters provides its own energy.

We hung pages of our books from the ceiling and matted quotes on the walls.

The original post about our preparations can be found here, and I’ve included pictures of the final product—our decorated shanty, which came out great and attracted lots of readers and visitors to Cape Cod.  We had so much fun just sitting around and chatting all day as well, and as three authors, we often discussed writing amongst ourselves.  This led to more networking ideas, and one of my fellow authors who was participating in the Barnes and Noble B-Fest Weekend recommended me to a B&N looking for an author to run the Sunday Teen Writing Workshop event during the B-Fest book festival.

Teaching a teen workshop
at Barnes & Noble B-fest.
Since most of my novels are meant for an over-18 reader base, I don’t get a lot of opportunities to highlight my one Young Adult novel, DIVINE FALL.  It was great fun to teach some elements from my writing classes to teen writers, and many of them took home signed copies of my YA Paranormal Romance.

On June 1st, my fourth novel HAUNTED SOULS came out, and I did a lot of the usual online promotion.  I had a fantastic Release Party on Facebook with many author friends posting as guest hosts.  Social media promotion led to another fantastic opportunity—the manager of a local bank offered to display and sell all my novels in their lobby for a week, plus host me for a signing on Friday, as part of their emphasis on community and reading over the summer.  It was another out-of-the-box promo event that worked really well, and I received a message from a teen who purchased DIVINE FALL that made my week…it included the sentence “It was one of the best books I’ve ever read”!

My books on display at a local bank!

I spoke about the
haunting and historical
inspiration for my new book
at the library event.
I spoke at a local library as well in June, as their Author of the Month, and the Assistant Librarian who introduced me told the group she’d read my first three books and had literally not been able to put them down, which was thrilling—reading is my favorite pastime, and if I can give others exciting stories to get lost in, I’ve done my job as an author.  That is the reason I write: to create engaging reads that offer entertainment and escape from life’s hectic pace.

Speaking of hectic paces, I’m gearing up for my August schedule of events, which include an interview with the local paper, a signing at our local bookstore, speaking at the Cape Cod Writer’s Conference, and signing books at the Cape Cod Museum of Art for the Art, Wine, and Words Fundraiser to benefit a children’s charity.  

Of course, all the promotion I do does cut into writing time, but for me, connecting with readers and the community is just as important.  Hopefully, readers visiting my blog today will consider reaching out to authors when they love a book—it means SO much to us!  And for fellow authors visiting, I hope I’ve sparked some ideas for promotion and networking--and with the exception of the very low Shanty rent (my part was $25)--all of these events cost nothing!  For more ideas, here's an older post I did on the same topic.  Happy reading and writing!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer Reads Blog Hop! #Rafflecopter #Giveaway - #KindleFire

Cape Cod is a unique and beautiful place, and I consider myself very fortunate to live here year round.  As you can imagine, the population here explodes in the summertime as visitors flock to enjoy the beaches, lakes, trails, and villages the Cape has to offer.  We usually host several groups of houseguests, and of course we have certain favorite spots we like to show them, and I often blog about our activities.  But many of these stunning and often historic places have also inspired scenes in two of my novels, so my post in the Summer Treats Blog Hop is dedicated to a few Cape Cod locations that are both fun to visit and also appear in either Haunted Souls or Gull Harbor.

While the Popponesset Spit is a popular place for locals,
it's not usually this crowded--this was the 4th of July.
The Popponesset Spit is a long peninsula of pristine beach primarily accessible by boat (a long walk can get you there too if you know where to park, but it’s very hard to find a spot).  This “spit” of land separates the bay from Nantucket Sound, and all types of boats tie up along the bay side and set up camp on the beach.  A large network of waterways offers kayakers plenty of areas to explore.  This is one of our favorite places on the Cape, and the Spit actually makes an appearance at the end of Haunted Souls.

Cahoon Hallow Beach in Wellfleet
The town of Gull Harbor is fictional, but I used Wellfleet as inspiration, and the characters visit the beaches Cape Cod National Seashore on several occasions.  I offer a little history in the book for readers, which I’ll add here as well.  President Kennedy created this area of protected land and seascape in 1961, and it covers 43,607 acres of beachfront, ponds, and woods.  One of our favorite beaches to visit within the CCNS is Cahoon Hollow in Wellfleet. 

There’s also a kettle pond near Claire’s house in Gull Harbor where some key scenes take place.  These are fresh water ponds formed over 15,000 years ago when melting glacial ice blocks produced large holes that filled with water.  The Wellfleet Kettle ponds are a bit of a secret compared to some of the other local attractions, and there are nearly twenty of them hidden in the sandy forests of Wellfleet and Truro. 

Snake Pond - a kettle pond in Sandwich
Another body of water that made it into one of my novels is Snake Pond, which is also a kettle pond. This popular beach is near the military base where Staff Sergeant Brett Leeds is stationed in Haunted Souls.

There’s a lot of history here on the Cape as well, and one summer I went on a “Haunted Historical Tour” of Barnstable Village which began and ended at the Old Jail.  I’d never even heard of the Old Jail, and it’s truly a historic gem.  It’s the oldest wooden jail house in the entire country, actually, and is thought to have been built in 1690, on orders from the Plymouth and MA Bay Colony Courts.  It was in use until the 1800s, and was moved around a bit, eventually attached to a barn.  It was rediscovered in 1968, detached from the barn, and moved next to the Coast Guard museum on 6A.

The structure itself is quite small, containing three cells which held large numbers of people sometimes.  According to our guide, conditions were rough and people had to take turns lying down to sleep when cells were crowded.  As you can imagine, many people died, and the site is considered actively haunted. 

The Old Jail at night

On our tour, we were shown photographs with shadowy figures taken by volunteers who work in the jail house.  A few of the volunteers shared their stories as well, and one claimed that a ghost had followed them home and engaged in some poltergeist-like activities.  Well, that got my attention right way, and my imagination started churning.  My sister had her little daughter with her, and I started to wonder what would happen if a young child with sensitive abilities took pity on a lost soul, and actually invited a ghost to come home with them.  The initial idea for Haunted Souls was born, and the Old Jail is in one of the very first scenes, along with some other historical sites.

Hope you enjoyed a summertime tour of a few of the Cape’s best spots!  And if you need a new beach read, grab a steamy—and spooky—second chance romance + ghost mystery, put up your feet, and come virtually visit the Cape!  Blurbs with links to all retailers can be found here:

Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a Kindle Fire donated by my fabulous publisher, and visit the other blogs participating in the hop for more Summer Treats and Reads—and prizes!  Blog hop links below the Rafflecopter.  Happy Summer!

Sorchias Wild Rose Summer Treats Post | Visit blog
RV Memory | Visit blog
Tricia Schneider | Visit blog
Anna Durands Spunk & Hunks | Visit blog
Judy Ann Davis Summer Treats and Reads Blog Hop | Visit blog
Spicy Summer Treats with Mia Downing | Visit blog
Linda Nightingale. . . Wordsmith | Visit blog
Jana Richards - Journeys with Jana | Visit blog
Summer Memories of books well read @ Peggy jaeger. com | Visit blog
Summer on Cape Cod ~ Kathryn Knight books | Visit blog
Summer Fun at the Beach, with Katie OSullivan | Visit blog
I Believe Ill Go Canoeing - C. B. Clark | Visit blog
Summertime Love is Sweeter with. . . Frozen Mango? @ Kimberly Keyes blog |Visit blog
Wild Rose Summer Treats Blog Hop @ Brendas Blog | Visit blog
Summer Treats and Reads Blog Hop | Visit blog
Midsummer Magic on the Isle of Skye! | Visit blog
My Guilty Summer Treats from Lori Sizemore | Visit blog
Wild Rose Press Summer Treats and Reads Blog Hop | Visit blog
Hywela Lyns post for the WRP Summer Treats and Reads Blog Hop | Visit blog
Wild Rose Press Summer Treats & Reads | Visit blog
Camping is a Recipe for Summer Treats and Reads | Visit blog
The Snarkology | Visit blog
Summer Survival Tips @ Nitty Gritty Romance | Visit blog
Wild Rose Press Summer Treats and Reads Blog Hop | Visit blog
Nell Castle - Summer of the Sweat Lodge | Visit blog
Myth, Magic & Wonder Susan Edwards, Breathing Life into the Past | Visit blog
Romance with Spice, Sydney St. Claire | Visit blog
Author Kat de Falla | Visit blog
Anni Fife. Exciting new author of Steamy Romance with Irresistible Heroes | Visit blog
Summer Vacation, Victorian-Style, AND a Giveaway | Visit blog
Wildfires, Monsoons, and Mojitos - Author Susabelle Kelmer shares how she keeps cool in a climate that is on fire! | Visit blog
Casi McLeans recipe for Hot Reads and Cool Treats | Visit blog
Cool Summer Reads: Jeannie Halls Romantic Suspense Blog - Where Hearts Tremble From More Than Attraction | Visit blog
Summer treat - Adult Slushie | Visit blog
How to Rediscover the Magic of Bicycling | Visit blog
Charlottes Tips on How to Stay Cool in HOT New York City | Visit blog
Caryn McGill | Visit blog
Hywela Lyns Inrerplanetary Summer | Visit blog

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Favorite Spots on Cape Cod #CapeCod #MarthasVineyard #vacation

I’ve done a few posts on my favorite spots on Cape Cod, and I like to think I have a little expertise in this area, having lived here year-round for the last 18 years.  I covered some of these places in this post in 2014, and I dedicated an entire post to visiting Cuttyhunk in this post in 2015.

Whenever we get together with our best friends, we schedule crazy weeks of fun things to see and do, and usually get into some kind of trouble along the way (see Adventures in Ziplining and Three States inTen Days).  They just left after visiting for a week, and once again, we kept up an exhausting pace, rewarding ourselves with wine each evening.  While a few of the days were repeats of our favorite activities covered in the 2014 post, we hit a few new spots as well, so this post will cover the best of the new.

The Gingerbread Houses of Oak Bluffs -
it really does feel like being in a fairy tale
Instead of taking a day-trip to Nantucket this year, we journeyed to Martha’s Vineyard.  The ferry ride from Falmouth took only about 30 minutes, and we arrived in Oak Bluffs before 10:00 a.m. and strolled through town, making our way over to the “Gingerbread Houses”.  This grouping of brightly colored, elaborate cottages is really something to see.  Apparently the history behind these houses dates back to the late 1800s when Methodists meeting on the Vineyard each summer began building tiny houses instead of using tents. Then it grew into a friendly contest to outdo each other in terms of how ornate they could make each cottage.  They are adorable, and many of them have themes and names.  I love cats, so one of my personal favorites was the cat-themed cottage:

I have 2 black cats, so I loved this one.

A neighboring house has a cute
little clue to the famous lot.
We then picked up two rental jeeps to maximize our site-seeing and pretty much drove the perimeter of the island.  Near the East Chop Light House, we found the lot where the Brody house was located during the filming of Jaws.  The house itself has been completely reconstructed, and looks nothing like it did in the movie.  But a neighboring house provides a clue via a sign reading “Little Jaws”.

Menemsha is a scenic little fishing village that also provided local flavor for Jaws.  From there, we continued on to the clay cliffs of Aquinnah and Gay Head Light House.  We stopped to see South Beach and admire the huge waves before heading to Edgartown for shopping and dinner by the water.

Menemsha - Quint's boat left from here in Jaws.

The clay cliffs of Aquinnah & Gay Head Light.

Over a thousand acres of dunes takes the breath away.
Another day trip we’ve done before is Provincetown, but this time we did something new – a tour of the dunes with Art’s DunesTours.  It was truly unbelievable to see the acres of pristine sand dunes stretching out to the sea.  This area is part of the federally protected Cape Cod National Seashore, and only a few vehicles are allowed to drive back there; in stark contrast to the boisterous crowds of Commercial Street, we saw almost no people.  There are a few small shacks back there, most of which are federally owned and offered through a lottery to artists and writers…should I apply?  While the solitude amidst stunning wilderness might make it the perfect spot to write a new ghost story mixed with steamy romance, I’m afraid being that isolated might send me over the edge!  One other caveat: no plumbing or electricity.

The Popponesset Spit - it's never usually this crowded,
but 4th of July is a bit crazy - and fun!

We spent the actual 4th on the Popponesset Spit, a long peninsula of beach accessible primarily by boat (a long walk can get you there too if you know where to park, but it’s very hard to find a spot).  This “spit” of land separates the bay from Nantucket Sound, and all types of boats tie up along the bay side and set up camp on the beach.  A large network of waterways offers kayakers plenty of areas to explore.  This is one of our favorite places on the Cape, and the Spit actually makes an appearance in HAUNTED SOULS.

If there’s a visit to Cape Cod in your future, check out some of these places!  And if there isn’t, you can still experience the area in both GULL HARBOR and HAUNTED SOULS – two steamy reunion romances mixed with spine-tingling ghost mysteries.  Happy summer and happy reading!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

#Book Signing in #Falmouth! #Ghosts + #Romance on Cape Cod

This week, a local bank is highlighting my novels, with a big display table in their lobby!  I’m so thrilled at this chance to have more people learn about my novels, and the community support provided by Rockland Trust in Falmouth is truly appreciated.  Two of my novels are set on Cape Cod—the #1 Amazon Bestseller GULL HARBOR and my new military romance + ghost mystery HAUNTED SOULS—and both locals and visitors to the area will enjoy “seeing” some of the unique places on the Cape throughout the story.
A big thank you to Rockland Trust!

I signed print copies for the bank in advance, so anyone can pick out and purchase a signed copy of all four of my novels during business hours (8:30 am to 4 pm).  On Friday, July 15, I’ll be there to personally sign books to include names if desired and to chat with readers.  This branch of Rockland Trust in Falmouth is located at 20 Davis Straits (Route 28) near the 99 Restaurant.  Stop by if you can and grab a new beach read!  Happy Summer J

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The #Haunted Jail ~ Cape Cod #haunting #ghosts #Barnstable #CapeCod

In 2014, after three books in three years, I decided I would take a little break from writing.  I figured it would be a good opportunity to spend more time in the real world – but then a story idea hit me, and the idea for my new release, Haunted Souls, kept growing in my head.  The initial inspiration came for a ghost tour I went on with my sister in Cape Cod’s Barnstable Village.  It’s probably somewhat obvious that I am a fan of ghosts and other spooky subjects, and my sister is the same way.  Every time we get together, we have scary movie marathons since no one else will watch them with us.  So when she came for a visit that summer, we decided to check out a “Haunted Tour” put on by the Cape and Islands Paranormal Research Society.  It offered a guided walk to haunted places and historical sites, and it started and ended at the Old Jail.

The Old Jail at night
I’d never even heard of the Old Jail, and it’s truly a historic gem.  It’s the oldest wooden jail house in the entire country, actually, and is thought to have been built in 1690, on orders from the Plymouth and MA Bay Colony Courts.  It was in use until the 1800s, and was moved around a bit, eventually attached to a barn.  It was rediscovered in 1968, detached from the barn, and moved next to the Coast Guard museum on 6A.

The structure itself is quite small, containing three cells which held large numbers of people sometimes.  According to our guide, conditions were rough and people had to take turns lying down to sleep when cells were crowded.  As you can imagine, many people died, and the site is considered actively haunted. 

Goody Hallett, the lover of the infamous pirate Samuel Bellamy, was imprisoned there in 1716, and is said to be one of the ghosts in residence.  If you’re so inclined, you can even pay to spend the night at the Jail.  On our tour, we were shown photographs with shadowy figures taken by volunteers who work in the jail house.  A few of the volunteers shared their stories as well, and one claimed that a ghost had followed them home and engaged in some poltergeist-like activities.  Well, that got my attention right way, and my imagination started churning.  My sister had her little daughter with her, and I started to wonder what would happen if a young child with sensitive abilities took pity on a lost soul, and actually invited a ghost to come home with them.  The initial idea was born.

Of course, my stories also have a romantic element, and that aspect turned out perfectly suited for Cape Cod as well, since it soon became clear to me that the male main character in my story was in the military—and Joint Base Cape Cod hosts a number of branches.  I met with neighbor, who is a Colonel in the Air National Guard and was deployed for a year in Afghanistan and another year in Iraq.  We discussed different occupations that would cause a person to be sent overseas often and for long periods of time, since that’s what I needed to make the story work.  We came up with EOD tech, which stands for Explosive Ordnance Disposal.  This is the elite bomb squad made up of members from four branches of military who pass the rigorous schooling requirements.  It’s an important and dangerous job, and I would have to say that between this aspect and the historical facts, this latest book required the most research on my part.

Two lonely souls...and one lost spirit.  From the author of #1 Kindle
Bestsellers Silver Lake and Gull Harbor.

So far, it’s getting great reviews, so I hope you’ll give this military romance and ghost mystery a try…a new steamy beach read with a chilling twist!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Visit Cape Cod for Steamy #Romance + Spooky Suspense #July4th Weekend! #FourthofJuly

A dangerous ghost and an ex-boyfriend await psychic Claire
Linden in Cape Cod's GULL HARBOR...
Of my four novels, two are set in the summer (Gull Harbor and Silver Lake), one is set in the fall (Divine Fall), and my most recent is set in the spring (Haunted Souls).  That wasn’t by design, really, although warmer months do lend themselves to some sultry scenes.  And with the upcoming holiday approaching, I realized that both Gull Harbor and Silver Lake have some pretty pivotal—and yes, sultry—scenes that occur on the Fourth of July.  Gull Harbor in particular…see the picture above for clues.  Those fireworks happen after the actual fireworks, and of course it all happens after weeks of mysterious haunting activity by the poltergeist Claire Linden has come to drive away.  Gull Harbor is a fictional town on Cape Cod, but I envisioned Wellfleet and the National Seashore as I wrote it, so readers get to visit the Cape while they experience the steamy romance as well as the spooky suspense! 

A haunting, an old flame, and
secrets from the past...SILVER LAKE
Fourth of July in Silver Lake finds four friends reunited at a lake house, working on reestablishing a friendship that unraveled when their friend Brandy disappeared their senior year of high school.  Rain Anderson is determined to find out what really happened before Brandy’s mother loses her battle with cancer…and she’s also hoping to gain Jason’s forgiveness after the heartbreak she caused five years ago.  When Rain and Jason find themselves alone of the beach after the fireworks, they both start to let down their guards.  But will Rain and Jason get a second chance at first love before a desperate spirit tears them apart again…forever?

Both have been #1 Kindle Bestsellers, so pick one (or both) up for your holiday weekend, and you’ll have some page-turning beach reads ready to go.  Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!