Book Club Questions


1.    We are introduced to Rain as she makes her way to the lake.  What were your initial impressions of this character?  Did they change over time?


2.    Brandy’s ghost makes herself known almost immediately.  Were you able to suspend any personal disbelief in ghosts as the haunting progressed?  Did you find Brandy’s presence spooky or sad? 


3.    Would you have stayed in the house?  What was driving Rain’s determination to remain at Silver Lake despite the frightening episodes?


4.    What does Jason’s treatment of Cara show you about the type of man he is?  Does this make him more or less attractive to you?


5.    The group dynamics are a significant part of the book.  Did you feel you knew the friends well, or were you suspicious of one or more of them?  Did any of their actions strike you as out of character?


6.    In what ways, if any, did each of the 4 characters grow or change throughout the story?


7.    If you were Rain, how would you take the news that your best friend slept with your ex-husband while you were still dating?  Would you be able to forgive Allie to renew the close friendship you once had?


8.    At what point did you have a theory as to what actually happened to Brandy?  Were you correct?


9.    Did any particular passage in the novel strike you as insightful?  Was there a dialog or description that you found funny or poignant, or that encapsulated a character?


10.   The story could have ended a number of ways.  Were you satisfied with the ending?  What do you predict for the futures of each of the 4 friends?  

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