Tell us, Lazarus, when
is your birthday and how old are you?
I'm not sure of my actual birth date so every year in June I just say I'm a
year older than I was. I'm almost certain I'm 28 years of age.You don’t know your birthday…hmm. I’m intrigued already. So, how do you spend your days and what are your hobbies?
I spend my days running a vast network of businesses, most of them legal, others not so much. I fear I don't have time for hobbies.
Even more interesting. Can you list 3 words that best describe you?
Demanding, ruthless, and compassionate toward those who deserve it.
Oooh…sounds like traits you need in your business activities. Where have you traveled?
While I haven't traveled outside of London and the surrounding countryside, I know the stews of London like the back of my hand and could lead you a merry chase.
I bet! If you could keep only one material item you own, what would it be?
I learned long ago that material items do not matter.
That’s an excellent outlook. What is your favorite food? Favorite drink?
I have a fondness for lemon tarts. My drink of choice is Scotch, though I do not imbibe often.
You sound very disciplined. Finally, who would play you in a movie?

I'm not certain I know what this thing, a movie, is. If I were to choose someone to impersonate me I would say Hugh Jackman. He can be kind but ruthless as I must be to keep control of the docks.
Great interview and gorgeous cover! Please leave a comment for a chance to win the first book to feature Lazarus - The Muse.
An Unexpected Gift Blurb:
Known only as Lazarus to the band of cutthroats and thieves he leads, William Prescott will do anything to find his missing sister, even blackmail a fragile young woman into helping him. But he never plans to fall in love with this mysterious woman with a troubled past.
Haunted by the memories of war, Olivia St. Germaine wants nothing more than to live a normal life. But when her brother, a doctor, suddenly leaves town without a word, she is forced to use her medical knowledge to help an injured man who puts her life in danger. Can she keep herself safe as she tends Lazarus, or is her heart more vulnerable than she realizes?
Buy Links:
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Lazarus sounds like an interesting fellow. I like your weekly interviews with heroes, Kathryn - very fun. Have a great time with Lazarus, ladies. ;);)
ReplyDeleteHi Christine,
DeleteI'm enjoying the weekly interviews as well. Thank you for stopping by. :o)
Great character interview. Lazarus is definitely an intriguing character. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Melissa. I think he's very intriguing, but then I'm biased. :o)
DeleteExcellent interview! I'm in love.
ReplyDeleteHi Sandra,
DeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the interview. Thanks for stopping by. :o)
I must ask the question -- scotch on the rocks or neat?
ReplyDeleteHi Niecey,
DeleteLazarus asked me to tell you, "Neat. Why water down good whiskey?"
That is a gorgeous cover! I have The mUse on my kindle, just itching ti be read, and I'm looking forward to An Unexpected Gift, too. Love learning more about the heroes in the interviews.
ReplyDeleteHi Melissa,
DeleteIt is a great cover, isn't it? The artist did a fantastic job depicting Lazarus just how I pictured him. I hope you enjoy The Muse. It was my first attempt at writing short and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
I like learning about the heroes in interviews too. I usually am so intrigued that I end up buying the book so I can learn more about them.
Thanks so much to everyone who has come by and commented! I'm still trying to dig myself out of this blasted blizzard.
ReplyDeleteHi Kathryn,
DeleteI hope things are looking up for you. I don't know about you, but after this last storm, I'm so ready for spring.
Oh, I do like the sound of both him and the book! A shady,, but sexy, character with a bit of a shady past - methinks! Best wishes with it!
ReplyDeleteHi Nancy,
DeleteHe is a bit shady and definitely sexy. Thanks for the good wishes and for stopping by. :o)
Katherine, I love Lazarus' 3-word/phrase response re: self-description. Intruguing, sexy, tough--with a bit of a marshmallow center :-) On my TBR list, for sure. Best of could he not appeal?!
Hi Diane,
DeleteHe is quite the softie when it comes to women. I hope you enjoy his and Olivia's story. Thanks for the good wishes.
I loved the adjectives too - gave me shivers :)
ReplyDeleteAnd warm shivers from a man are always a good thing too!
DeleteThe winner of a copy of "The Muse" is Diane. Diane, please email me at so I can send you your prize.
Thank you again for having Lazarus and I as your guests. We had a great time.